Monday 30 September 2013

DN 31

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 01-07-2013, 8:09 AM :

It is too cold, it's too hot, it's too early, it is too late!
Such bad excuses, makes one gives up the training and misses one more precious opportunity to end suffering...

~The Buddha~ [DN 31]

Saturday 28 September 2013

Anguttara Nikāya 2.118

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 28-06-2013, 5:43 PM :

These two people are hard to find in the world. Which two? The one who is first to do a kindness, and The one who is grateful and thankful for any kindness done.

~ The Buddha ~ [Anguttara Nikāya 2.118]

Friday 27 September 2013

Udana 10

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:29 PM :

Solitude is happiness for one who is content,
who has heard the Dhamma and clearly sees.
Non-violence is happiness in this world:
Harmlessness towards all living beings.

 Udana 10

Ittivuttuka 16

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:28 PM :

Train yourself in doing only good
that lasts and brings great happiness.
Cultivate generosity, a peaceful living,
and a mentality of infinite friendliness.

 Ittivuttuka 16

Samyutta Nikaya I, 162

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:28 PM :

Knowing that the other person is angry,
one who remains mindful and calm
acts for his own best interest
and for the other's interest, too.

Samyutta Nikaya I, 162

Samyutta Nikaya II, 70

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:27 PM :

Having killed anger you sleep in ease.
Having killed anger you do not grieve.
The noble ones praise the slaying of anger
-- with its honeyed crest & poison root --
for having killed it you do not grieve. 

 Samyutta Nikaya II, 70

Digha Nikaya 31

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:26 PM :

The friend who is a helper and comrade,
the friend in both good and bad times,
the friend who gives good advice,
the friend who never despises,
these four as friends the clever keep
and cherish with pure devotion
as does a mother her only son. 

 Digha Nikaya 31

Digha Nikaya 31

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:25 PM :

Who is hospitable, open and friendly,
Generous, gentle and unselfish,
A guide, an instructor, a leader,
Such a one to honour may attain.

 Digha Nikaya 31

Thursday 26 September 2013

Itivuttaka 27

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:23 PM :

For one who deliberately & aware
develops Universal Friendliness
Seeing the fading away of clinging,
All chains are worn down & broken.

Itivuttaka 27

Sutta Nipata I, 8

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:22 PM :

Let no one deceive another
or despise anyone anywhere,
or through anger or irritation
wish for another to suffer.

Sutta Nipata I, 8

Itivuttaka 27

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:21 PM :

He who does not punish nor makes others punish,
He who steals not nor makes others steal,
who friendly shares with all that lives,
finds enmity with none.

Itivuttaka 27

Sutta Nipata I, 8

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:21 PM :

With good will for the entire cosmos,
cultivate a limitless heart & mind:
Beaming above, below, & all around,
unobstructed, without trace of hostility.

Sutta Nipata I, 8

Itivuttaka 22

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:20 PM :

Train yourself in doing good
that lasts and brings happiness.
Cultivate generosity, the life of peace,
and a mind of infinite universal love.

 Itivuttaka 22

Anguttara Nikaya II, 72

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:19 PM :

May all creatures, all breathing things,
all beings one and all, without exception,
experience good fortune only.
May they not fall into any harm.

 Anguttara Nikaya II, 72

Anguttara Nikaya 4.67

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:18 PM :

I am a friend of the footless,
I am a friend of all bipeds,
I am a friend of those with four feet,
I am a friend of the many-footed!

Anguttara Nikaya 4.67

Sutta Nipata 3.710

Posted by drdoof on 24-06-2013, 5:15 PM :

As I am, so are others...
As others are, so am I...
Having thus identified self and others,
Never Harm anyone, nor have any abused.

Sutta Nipata 3.710

Sunday 22 September 2013

Digha Nikaya DN 15

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 19-06-2013, 3:28 PM :


The Buddha once asked: "From birth as a requisite condition comes aging and death. Thus it has been said. And this is the way to understand how from birth as a requisite condition comes aging and death. If there were no birth at all, in any way, of anything anywhere — i.e., of devas in the state of devas, of ghosts in the state of ghosts, of demons in the state of demons, of human beings in the human state, of birds in the state of birds, of snakes in the state of snakes, or of any being in its own present state — in the utter absence of birth, from the cessation of all birth, would ageing and death ever be observed?"
Ven. Ananda :"No, Lord."
"Thus this is the cause, this is the very reason, this is the origination, this is the essential condition for aging and death, i.e., birth.
Source: Maha-nidana Sutta: The Great Causes Discourse
(Digha Nikaya DN 15)

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Sutta Nipata

Posted by drdoof on 08-06-2013, 1:45 PM :

Things that are empty make noise, the full is always quiet; the fool is like a half-filled pot, the wise one is like a deep still pool.

~ The Buddha ~ (Sutta Nipata)

Monday 16 September 2013

Anguttara Nikaya 2.118

Posted by drdoof on 05-06-2013, 2:49 PM :


These two people are hard to find in the world. Which two? The one who is first to do a kindness, and the one who is grateful and thankful for any kindness done.
Anguttara Nikaya 2.118

Saturday 14 September 2013

Anguttara Nikaya Vol. 1, 188-193

Posted by drdoof on 28-05-2013, 2:45 PM :

lingusthefungus wrote:
but often, the older generations will tell their children do not question and follow their way. this leads to people like me confuse during my early years and following superstitious. in fact there are sg people still think buddha can make them win 4D or have some forces to protect them from harm. while actually everything is karma and the way to change or minimise karma is to cultivate a good heart

Kalama Sutta

 Do not believe in anything (simply)
because you have heard it.

Do not believe in traditions because they
have been handed down for many generations.

Do not believe in anything because it is
spoken and rumoured by many.

Do not believe in anything (simply) because
it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority
of your teachers and elders.

But after observation and analysis
when you find that anything agrees with reason
and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all
then accept it and live up to it.

(Anguttara Nikaya Vol. 1, 188-193 P.T.S. Ed.)

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sutta Nipata 1.102

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 20-05-2013, 7:49 PM :


 To have much wealth, ample gold and food, and then enjoy one's luxuries all alone, that is causing one's later downfall!
Sutta Nipata 1.102

Give wisely. If you always give, you will always have. Don't be attached to the benefits of giving. Give just because it's good to give.